Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hmm methinks its time to resurrect this blog...

changes in the past two years?
Same job, and kicking ass at it.
I have added beer geek to my resume of titles...or I should say aspiring beer geek; my real beer geek friends teach me so much!
Just as into cooking, but have added CSA member and can make even more things by hand. I signed up today for the NY Locavore Challenge....starts tomorrow!
and I am a proud Aunt! I have a 4 month old niece.
How could you NOT adore this face?!So let's think of an overhaul....and I'll get back to blogging :)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life rolls on...

I still haven't found much down time to update this thing! I've got some pictures to share, as my sister and I have *finally* moved!

We're in a spacious two bedroom a floor up from our nice but cramped one bedroom. We moved all in in one day!

So, more to come! I promise :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Busy Gal Neglects Blog

I know I am in dire need of an update here!

I've been very busy with my new position, with a couple of trips back upstate in the mix. My sister and I are also waiting to move to a new apartment....hopefully. Hopefully that is straightened out this week, then I can get myself into a better schedule!

I apologize, and promise I'll be back!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


A quick update to let you all know I have a new job!
I started on Monday and got through my first week on pretty good footing.
I even get a title! I am the Marketing fancy sounding!
I get to design as well as media buying and finding new advertising opportunities, and lots of general office work. I will be kept busy, that is for sure!

That is the update for now. I just made a pancake breakfast for myself and my sister, and we need to get ready ASAP in order to make a showing of Julie and Julia at 1:30 in Kip's start the stopwatch!

all for now!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hong Kong BBQ in Staten Island

Ah, boy, another month of me neglecting this blog! Shame on me. Being on the job hunt renders one busy yet idle!

This weekend was non-stop. I had a birthday party to attend Friday, filled with college friends and imitating parties from college. Met up with another friend, got home at sun-up. Fun but exhausting! Saturday my sister had friends over, and I was up with them playing a fun card game and the like.

The next day I was to journey to that farthest of boroughs, Staten Island, for a BBQ at my friend Ivy's. I ran late thanks to my late bed time, but after the longish journey by subway, ferry and bus, got there in time for the rain to let up, and to roast some delicious meats Hong Kong style:

Basically put on a skewer, roast a bit over charcoal, then slather with honey and roast it some more. So delicious. Get-togethers and food experiences like this cause me to throw my at-home vegetarian ways out the window! And well worth it for the chicken wings alone!

After we had exhausted the food and coals, we played Wii games. Everyone who ahd been before had a Wii fit profile, so I ended up on that. Wii fit tells me I'm 21! Woo 2 years younger than I am! Everyone else was discussing how much older it told then they were. I have pretty good balance, and it seems that's the major measuring device. I did a bunch of the fit games. Pretty fun I must say!

Then we started playing Cooking Mama, which was way harder than it looked to be. I got a 100 on one recipe though! We were cracking up at the voice over for Mama because it obviously
was a native asian woman and the accent was so thick. Ivy is from Hong Kong, and she kept imitating Mama say "Even better than Mama!" So funny.

I even got a ride home from Hevan, who had driven there. Very nice day, and with people I hadn't seen in too long! I now have a reason to venture to Staten Island. Hope that I get to soon. and that I can afford a Wii in a sort amount of time too, way too much fun!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cartoons Part Deux

I thought it was time to share the remainder of my cartoons with you all. Here we go!

This guy was spotted in Hannaford wile grocery shopping with my mother Upstate. I dubbed him Mafiosa man. I still may go back and make him even fatter and squatter. He's not really distorted enough.

This woman was spotted on the 6 train one day....what hair! I had unfortunately forgotten that she was wearing a gold lame sad.

This woman was spotted one morning as I was walking to work. She was walking up Third Avenue...and I couldn't help but notice that she had matched her glasses to her shirt. I got the pattern as well a I could, but it matched waaaay better in person.
This man MADE my commute one morning. I'm on the 7 train and I spot this old man with a cabbie hat and a ridiculously bowed lip that reveals the biggest set of chompers EVER. Hence me nicknaming him Mr.Chompers. And a mustache that just emphasised that fact. Aside from that fantastic mouth and mustache, the trench, paper, and iPod made it. He looked so comfy and happy to be on the train! And since spotting him I've seen him twice!

While I am studying Mr. Chompers, THIS man walks into the SAME CAR. Two in one commute?! This man also had an interesting mouth, like a skinny cut line. Nevermind his emaciated legs with that huge Carhart coat, and his awkwardly balding hair do.
This is the only cartoon of someone I know. This is my friend Shelly, who I used to work with and lo and behold we both are city dwellers now. She has a website called naked People Should Not Say 'Dude' where she shows off her cartoons, which she executes in MS Paint. They are hilarious and very inappropriate! They are based off events in her life, so there is a cartoon version of her. After seeing my cartoons on Facebook, somehow it came up that I should try to make my own cartoon version of her. So I did!

And the last is Mr.Angles, a fearlessly dancing Asian man I spotted at Webster Hall. He was SO HAPPY to be dancing, and he danced very angular. He couldn't get enough! I loved him. He was so happy and full of life.
And there are the rest of my cartoons! I have been slacking in drawing more (drawing in general) soo I need to get on that so I can share more with everyone. and there is a back-up of characters in my head. They're gonan duke it out if I don't let them out!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Labels of my Favorite Brewery, Magic Hat!

A note from Swaying Daisies inspired this post about my favorite brand of beer: Magic Hat.
She made a note about also consuming the new summer seasonal Wacko, but ultimately being more in love with the packaging. This is me modeling the bottle to my iMac camera:

As a designer I must admit that the packaging is a lot of the initial draw to Magic Hat! The packaging is so illustrative and inventive! And then you taste the beer, which is ALSO very inventive. It is always easy to spot the newest flavor!

I couldn't find any good pics online of the packaging, boo! But on Magic Hat's site they have a section devoted to the different brews with labels on illustrated the best I could do was screen shots of all these awesome labels. (and here I get to gush over another love of mine: The screen shot. Oh such a useful device!).

Let's start with my favorite brew, Circus Boy. I love me a good Hefeweisen!

Hocus Pocus is another I am upset that I found this in the offed section of the site. Aww...but I guess it was the old summer seasonal, since this brewery likes to mix it up a lot. I will miss this one!

And while I am not a fan of IPAs, I LOVE this wacky illustration!

I never got to try any of these, but I really loved the illustration. Especially that for Unnatural Thirst. So simple!

Then we have the most widely available Number 9. A little too fruity for me (it has apricot in it), but still good. and usually the one that's on tap!

Lucky Kat is another one I am not too fond of, but I like the bold color and the cheshire cat-like illustration. And the Odd Notions are fun because they change! You never know what it'll taste like season to season, because they change with the season, ad the labels clearly show!

And there you go! A little taste of my favorite brewery, both for the invention in the flavors of their beer and their packaging! I need to visit the factory someday, since my hometown isn't all that far from Burlington, VT where they are located. Visit their site, too, it's quite fun: