Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolutions via Listmaking

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a good time celebrating. I ended up in Connecticut for a few days, avoiding the city crowds in exchange for a more intimate party with good friends. Always a good time with that crowd!

I haven't made any resolutions formally, but really I'm always re-evaluating and making new ones. Every few weeks even. I'm feeling some hard-core list making coming on...

Through college I became a list maker. Between being a full time graphic design student and working 20 to 25 hours a week, it was something of a necessity. Lots to keep track of, and always changing tasks and goals. I'd fill up agendas, and got into the habit of plastering those pages with post-its as deadlines experienced further changes. As finals approached, I'd make lists on loose-leaf with even more minute details. And the hallmark of finals was always the calendar, a 5-week usually redone into a three-week toward the end so I could visually map and understand my time frames.
and of course these were all color coded, thank-you my mini sharpie key ring.
I chalk it up to my first-born, A-type, over-achieving, detail-oriented mind. Lists and schedules are a comforting thing to someone who can kinda be a control freak!
I was really happy to start filling in my '09 agenda.
Hmm shall I make a list now? I'll ponder on my lunch and give an update.