We got out early, but waited around since we were attending the premiere of Wendy Keys' film "Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight". and it was worth hanging around Manhattan for! The film is fabulous; it is a definite watch if you are a graphic designer, illustrator...well, an artist of any kind since Milton does so much and shuns definition. After the film Steven Heller moderated a Q and A with Wendy and Milton. Very inspirational!

With the office situation providing me with a free Friday, I was almost lured to Connecticut Thursday night. Milton's film was the first glitch in that plan, followed by.....having fresh basil to use in my fridge. Yeep...I think I am officially a foodie. In any case, I made pizza dough Friday afternoon and posted this fact on facebook. My friend Zach became interested, so he brought over some bell peppers and broccoli, I provided basil which I mostly made into pesto (with pine nuts I had bought! Authentic! except no parmesian, as Zach is a vegan), tomatos, mozz and romano (strictly for me) and garlic. I sacrificed cheese to make this ith Zach, but the decorating skills trump all.

We made a lion! He is blood thirsty, as illustrated by his blood covered mouth...we added broccoli and pesto last, hence the disguising foliage. So fun AND delicious!
I am now in Connecticut, and have done little more than let people feed me and give me wine. What a tough life I lead, right?!
I'm already planning meals for the week! I started following a blog called Not Eating Out in New York. See that top recipe for Asparagus tofu salad? I had all but asparagus that I have now picked up at a farmer's market here for $1.69/lb...and Chris ended up paying for it since was not evena pound. I got cheap spices too. Puumped! I need to do more thrift shopping....asian market eekend soon? We'll see. In any case....yea, complete foodie.
1 comment:
Eww I didn't realise the office floor flood came from above. That IS much worse than just a day off. I hope they got it all under control. As far as everything else goes, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend and I am now going to start checking out that blog as Matt and I need to eat more exciting things and not eat out as much in order to save all our money back from the huge spending we have had to do lately. Thanks for the recommendation and ocne again the lion is fabulous! : )
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