Wednesday night I went to The Art Director's Club for a Paper Expo. Basically paper companies and print shops throw a party and give away a lot of free samples in the hopes of getting new business. Score for us designers! $10, free pads of paper and paper samples, and alcohol and snacks as long as they lasted! An hour there got me a couple beers, plenty of cheese, and a bag full of samples. The coolest thing there? On print shop had a small old-fashioned press running! Pretty sweet!

With everything—even printing—moving more and more digital, seeing this in action was awesome!
My dad, since he works for Xerox and listens to the printers all day, says that he thinks things will swing back to the old-fashioned again soon. Everything is going small business now and things like Etsy and other sites are encouraging the older methods of print. I dunno how fast I believe this swing is going to take, but I like to agree with him.
Ah, and totally yay for samples!
Very true, a LOT of young designers are interested in old presses and letter pressed work. There is definitely a movement of hand-work over commercial-looking work.
Still, this is the first I've heard of a press running at a paper/print show. All the presses I've been to through school brag about the newer technology. This one has embossing capability mmm the texture was so nice...
Haha, that old-fashioned press is not much older than the ones we used in my first program.. and then at the first print shop I worked at. ;)
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