Maybe I should share some of my cartoons here, eh?
I started these after going on the "Most Ghetto Family Vacation....EVER." My Dad won a $99/person cruise over the phone....and boy was it evident! The best part of the trip was the people watching and making up stories about these people.
This coupled with an idea from a sketchclub blog I used to follow (and will have to find and link...) I began to draw them from memory. Now, taking the subway every day, I have a LOT of time to observe all the people one runs into in NYC. and then draw the outrageous or most interesting ones.
The first is Jem, aka 80's Stripper, aka Rod Stewart. Her hair had so much hairspray that it did not move. She had had a boob job....but about 25 years ago. and her clothes were all circa 1984. and she did NOT have the muscle tone to pull off this teenie bikini! Also note the extra long belly chain.

This is her husband, Bob, that I dubbed a used cars salesman. He had what looked to be jerry-curled hair. The best thing about these two had to be that they looked very much still i love (I garnered they'd been married awhile, could be wrong.)

This woman we dubbed LaFonda, a la Napoleon Dynamite. This is what she showed up to dinner in on the first night. A see-through net top witha bra. and she was a veery curvy girl. She believed she looked stellar in it.

This is LaFonda's husband, dubbed Germaine. He had gooorgoeus blue eyes....and then showed up to the snorkeling excursion in this speedo.

This girl we dubbed Pimple Ass, for obvious reasons!

And last in the Cruise series are The Jonas Brothers. These were three brothers from Alberta, Canada, the only family as pale as us on the boat.

and there they are! more to come later!