I thought it was time to share the remainder of my cartoons with you all. Here we go!
This guy was spotted in Hannaford wile grocery shopping with my mother Upstate. I dubbed him Mafiosa man. I still may go back and make him even fatter and squatter. He's not really distorted enough.

This woman was spotted on the 6 train one day....what hair! I had unfortunately forgotten that she was wearing a gold lame jacket....so sad.

This woman was spotted one morning as I was walking to work. She was walking up Third Avenue...and I couldn't help but notice that she had matched her glasses to her shirt. I got the pattern as well a I could, but it matched waaaay better in person.

This man MADE my commute one morning. I'm on the 7 train and I spot this old man with a cabbie hat and a ridiculously bowed lip that reveals the biggest set of chompers EVER. Hence me nicknaming him Mr.Chompers. And a mustache that just emphasised that fact. Aside from that fantastic mouth and mustache, the trench, paper, and iPod made it. He looked so comfy and happy to be on the train! And since spotting him I've seen him twice!

While I am studying Mr. Chompers, THIS man walks into the SAME CAR. Two in one commute?! This man also had an interesting mouth, like a skinny cut line. Nevermind his emaciated legs with that huge Carhart coat, and his awkwardly balding hair do.

This is the only cartoon of someone I know. This is my friend Shelly, who I used to work with and lo and behold we both are city dwellers now. She has a website called naked
People Should Not Say 'Dude' where she shows off her cartoons, which she executes in MS Paint. They are hilarious and very inappropriate! They are based off events in her life, so there is a cartoon version of her. After seeing my cartoons on Facebook, somehow it came up that I should try to make my own cartoon version of her. So I did!

And the last is Mr.Angles, a fearlessly dancing Asian man I spotted at Webster Hall. He was SO HAPPY to be dancing, and he danced very angular. He couldn't get enough! I loved him. He was so happy and full of life.

And there are the rest of my cartoons! I have been slacking in drawing more (drawing in general) soo I need to get on that so I can share more with everyone. and there is a back-up of characters in my head. They're gonan duke it out if I don't let them out!
I love Mr Angles. And now I am going to read Shelly's Blog. : )
these are AWESOME! so much personality in each one! keep it up- id love to see more!
ohh this are sooo cute!
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