So I found a recipe for Italian bread. I had no dry milk (or regular milk for that matter) sooo I just omitted it. I had to get it set in the morning, since I had made a starter for it and it had already fermented moore than long enough. Anyway, I forgot to omit part of the liquid since there was now less dry material so it was really really sticky, wet dough. Soo I didn't really know if it would work-out....but it seemed to! Although I haven't cut the one to the left to see how it is yet...they both have a fairly thin crust, so that is good! My earlier breads all had a really think crust. Soo I think this is more on the right track. I will see if I can make it a teeensie bit drier, since the extra liquid made it spread out and stuck aaaall to my hands, but also in a way made it easier to handle/shape. at least not over-handle. Nevermind that it rose beautifully (also thanks to a little sugar to feed the yeast). Anyway, here are the loaves. The one spread out and got reeeally fat. I think it's hilarious looking!

and here is the Apple Pie! I called my mom and she quickly gave me her recipe. Followed it exactly, and it came out pretty damn good! I am most happy with the crust, which seems to be a little frail but good. That could also be because I made a mistake with the baking temp, and brought it down to 315 instead of 350! I figured it out and turned it back up, gave it another 15 minutes ha ha. But I am quite happy that it turned out so well, and wish the friends Mana invited over would get here to help devour it.

And picking up a 6 pack of Magic Hat's summer seasonal, Wacko. Mmmm.....
Good Saturday.
i cant bake for the life of me, so i have no expertise in the area but those look delish!
I tried the Magic Hat Summer, but I only had like a few sips. I was most impressed with the pretty box before my vodka lemonade took over and I remember nothing else of the entire night. ; )
Your baking attempts are so successful, I am always jealous! I need to try my hand at more scratch baked goods. They're my least talented area.
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