This better be on a sticky trap in my apartment when I get home tonight. Amanda and I have seen these little buggers and thought they were getting in through the kitchen. We had the exterminator that comes through the building give us a bunch of traps and put poison behind our stove...and a week later nada. Last night, one RUNS from about the kitchen to under the recliner in the living room! He is trapped. We can't do much but put a couple traps around it and hope he is dumb enough to step on one. Of course not. When I am engrossed in House, it runs out and under the BEDROOM door! Mana and I scramble to see where it goes...to find there is a space between the molding and floor where this mouse disappears. So now there are three sticky traps in that vicinity and there damn sure better be a muse caught!
Although we have the cleanest mice ever. There is absolutely no evidence of them until we see them scurry...maybe because they live in the building's wall? In any case, they don't chew anything or poop anywhere. Just run across the floor and freak Amanda and me out.
Weird. But I still want them out!
I am fairly certain there is a mouse in the wall right behind my headboard as well. I have been trying to delude myself into thinking it is a squirrel but squirrels are diurnal which leaves mice... *shudder*. I can share your pain but we need some traps/sonic thingies/poison whatever. Soon.
I was so ready to find a dead mouse when I got home that I ran into my room, turned on the light and checked, all without noticing my sister was napping. She then proceeded to scare the living daylights out of me an hour or so later when she appeared in the kitchen as I was cooking.
alas, no mouse. I still can hear them in the wall. so frustrating!
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