A note from Swaying Daisies inspired this post about my favorite brand of beer: Magic Hat.
She made a note about also consuming the new summer seasonal Wacko, but ultimately being more in love with the packaging. This is me modeling the bottle to my iMac camera:

As a designer I must admit that the packaging is a lot of the initial draw to Magic Hat! The packaging is so illustrative and inventive! And then you taste the beer, which is ALSO very inventive. It is always easy to spot the newest flavor!
I couldn't find any good pics online of the packaging, boo! But on Magic Hat's site they have a section devoted to the different brews with labels on illustrated bottles....so the best I could do was screen shots of all these awesome labels. (and here I get to gush over another love of mine: The screen shot. Oh such a useful device!).
Let's start with my favorite brew, Circus Boy. I love me a good Hefeweisen!

Hocus Pocus is another favorite...so I am upset that I found this in the offed section of the site. Aww...but I guess it was the old summer seasonal, since this brewery likes to mix it up a lot. I will miss this one!

And while I am not a fan of IPAs, I LOVE this wacky illustration!

I never got to try any of these, but I really loved the illustration. Especially that for Unnatural Thirst. So simple!

Then we have the most widely available Number 9. A little too fruity for me (it has apricot in it), but still good. and usually the one that's on tap!

Lucky Kat is another one I am not too fond of, but I like the bold color and the cheshire cat-like illustration. And the Odd Notions are fun because they change! You never know what it'll taste like season to season, because they change with the season, ad the labels clearly show!

And there you go! A little taste of my favorite brewery, both for the invention in the flavors of their beer and their packaging! I need to visit the factory someday, since my hometown isn't all that far from Burlington, VT where they are located. Visit their site, too, it's quite fun: